Pilgrim Resources
"All Christians are invited to become part of the great pilgrimage that Christ, the Church and mankind have made and must continue to make in history. The shrine which is the goal of that pilgrimage is to become ‘the Tent of Meeting’, as the Bible calls the tabernacle of the covenant.”
Basilica Heritage Tours:
The Basilica’s tour program offers an opportunity to learn about the history of Little Flower Basilica and the lives of our Discalced Carmelite saints. Also included is the special opportunity to venerate the first class relics of the Discalced Carmelite saints housed within Little Flower Basilica.
Registration for Heritage Tours is not required, but encouraged. Presented in partnership with the OCDS of San Antonio.
Basilica Programs are offered free of charge, however, we gratefully accept donations.
To request a private tour, click here.
Learn about the history of Little Flower Basilica and its Art Collections. Tour starts at 1pm
Learn about the history of Little Flower Basilica and the Basilica’s Art Collection. Starting at 1pm
Learn about the history of Little Flower Basilica and the Basilica’s Art Collection. Starting at 1pm
Learn about the history of Little Flower Basilica and the Basilica’s Art Collection. Starting at 1pm
Treasures of the Basilica: Relics of the Discalced Carmelite Saints
What is a relic? A relic is the body, a part of the body, or some personal memorial of a saint preserved as worthy of veneration. A reliquary is a container for relics.
First-Class Relic: physical remains of a saint (e.g. bone, hair).
Second-Class Relic: personal effects of a saint, something they owned or frequently used (e.g. clothing, book, rosary).
Third-Class Relic: object that has touched a first-class relic.
On occasions such as the Feasts of All Carmelite Saints and All Caremelite Souls, many of the relics housed at the Basilica are displayed for the veneration of visitors.
Plenary or Partial indulgences may be gained by the faithful for visiting sacred places, such as Little Flower Basilica, once a year, on a day chosen by the Christian faithful, or whenever they participate in a group pilgrimage and by devoutly offering prayers during the visit, under the conditions that that they also make sacramental confession, receive Eucharistic Communion, and pray for the intentions of the Supreme Pontiff (Pope Francis).
Red Letter Days
Red-Letter Days are celebrated at major and minor Basilicas, one of which is our very own Little Flower Basilica.
The faithful who devoutly attend Mass at Little Flower Basilica on one of these days may obtain a plenary indulgence under the conditions that they also make sacramental confession, receive Eucharistic Communion during the Mass, and pray for the intentions of the Supreme Pontiff (Pope Francis).
On Feb. 2, 1999, the church was dedicated as a Basilica in a special ceremony.
Jesus told Peter, “I have prayed that your own faith may not fail; and once you have turned back, you must strengthen your brothers” (Lk 22:32). Today, this feast reminds us of the significance of the ministry of St. Peter and the succession of popes who followed in his footsteps.
Submit your intentions for the St. Joseph Novena (March 10-18) and then join us March 19 at 12pm for the Solemnity of St. Joseph, spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary and protector of the Carmelite Order
Join us for the Solemnity of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, July 16 at 6pm, reception to follow.
Proclaimed a Basilica by the sainted Pope John Paul II in 1998.
Celebrate St. Thérèse with us on October 1! The Solemn Mass of Roses at 6pm, followed by reception in the Little Flower Hall.
Grow Spiritually With Us:
Study and reflect on St. Teresa of Jesus’ “The Way of Perfection”
Grupo de estudio para reflexionar sobre “El Camino de Perfección”
Submit your intentions for the St. Joseph Novena (March 10-18) and then join us March 19 at 12pm for the Solemnity of St. Joseph, spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary and protector of the Carmelite Order
Study and reflect on St. Teresa of Jesus’ “The Way of Perfection”
Grupo de estudio para reflexionar sobre “El Camino de Perfección”
Study and reflect on St. Teresa of Jesus’ “The Way of Perfection”
Grupo de estudio para reflexionar sobre “El Camino de Perfección”
Study and reflect on St. Teresa of Jesus’ “The Way of Perfection”
Grupo de estudio para reflexionar sobre “El Camino de Perfección”
Study and reflect on St. Teresa of Jesus’ “The Way of Perfection”
Grupo de estudio para reflexionar sobre “El Camino de Perfección”
Submit your intentions and join us in this novena of prayers and Masses leading up to the Solemn Mass for Our Lady of Mount Carmel. Daily Masses at 12pm, July 7 to 15.
Solemnity of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, July 16 at 6pm.
Join us for the St. Thérèse Novena, pray with us daily at the 12 pm Mass, view the daily reflections, and submit your intentions online!