
Complete or Start Your Initiation into the Catholic Church

Need a copy of your Sacramental Certificate?


Find the guidelines and registration form for Baptisms for children age 6 and younger below. All documents required and registration forms may be submitted to Liz Heredia at

*All dates are Sundays. Parent(s) and godparent(s) are required to arrive at the church by 1:15pm.  Baptism ceremony will begin promptly at 1:45pm. **No Baptisms during Lent. Baptism Dates are subject to change.

*Todas las fechas son domingos. Los padres y padrinos deben llegar a la iglesia antes de la 1:15pm. La ceremonia de bautismo comenzará a 1:45pm. **No habrá bautizos durante la cuaresma. Las fechas de bautismo están sujetas a cambios.

For anyone over the age of 7, click here.

Bautismos en Español

18 de mayo

22 de junio

27 de julio

24 de agosto

28 de septiembre

26 de octubre

23 de noviembre

28 de diciembre

2025 Baptism Schedule:

English Baptisms

May 11

June 15

July 20

August 17

September 21

October 19

November 16

December 21

Faith Formation: First Eucharist, First Reconciliation, and Confirmation

Study to receive your sacraments at Little Flower Basilica!


Celebrate your wedding here at Little Flower Basilica!

Holy Orders

If you are interested in a vocation to Carmel click here.

Anointing of the Sick

Please contact the Little Flower Administration Office to schedule an anointing (210) 735-9126 ext. 210

Special Occasion Masses

Anniversaries: Anniversary Masses and special blessings may be offered for couples who are celebrating an anniversary of marriage in the Church.

Quinceañeras: Little Flower Basilica does not offer quinceañera Masses, but special blessings may be offered for children who are enrolled in faith formation classes.

For further information on Anniversary Masses or special blessings, please contact Sylvia DeHoyos at (210) 735-9126 ext. 102.

Masses for the Deceased

Funeral Masses: Guidelines for Funeral Masses can be found here.

Memorial Masses: Special Masses for the deceased, not to be confused with Funeral Masses or Mass Intentions.

For further information on Masses for the deceased, please contact Laura Vega at (210) 735-9126 ext. 100.