Events at the Basilica
Spirituality • Red-Letter Days • Arts and Culture • Community

Basilica Heritage Tour
Learn about the history of Little Flower Basilica and the Basilica’s Art Collection. Starting at 1pm

J.S. Bach’s “Easter Orotorio”
“J.S. Bach: Easter Oratorio”: San Antonio Philharmonic ft. SA Chamber Choir & Children's Chorus of SA
The first concert in the Bach: Reverberations & Reflections series.
General Admission $40. Get your tickets here.

Basilica Heritage Tour
Learn about the history of Little Flower Basilica and the Basilica’s Art Collection. Starting at 1pm

Basilica Heritage Tour
Learn about the history of Little Flower Basilica and the Basilica’s Art Collection. Starting at 1pm

All Souls Day and Novena
Join the Basilica in commemoration of All the Faithful Departed, starting off a Novena in remembrance for the souls of those who have died. Click here to submit your intentions!

Christmas at the Basilica
Join us for the celebrations of the Nativity of the Lord!
See the Christmas holiday schedule for the Basilica Campus.

Coronado High School Chamber Orchestra, Henderson, NV
Little Flower Basilica welcomes the Coronado High School Chamber Orchestra from Nevada! Join us for this free concert at 3pm!

Basilica Heritage Tour
Learn about the history of Little Flower Basilica and its Art Collections. Tour starts at 1pm

Día de los Reyes
Families are invited to attend the 5:30p.m. Mass, and then a reception in the Parish Hall, where children will receive gifts, Rosca de Reyes (king's cake wreath), and hot chocolate.

La Gran Posada
La Gran Posada is a traditional Basilica Mexican Christmas celebration presented by the Hispanic Heritage Society of San Antonio. The event is free and open to the public. Doors open 6:30pm

Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe
Join us for Mass to celebrate the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, when St. Juan Diego opened his cloak before the bishop, spilling fresh roses on the ground and revealing the portrait of Our Lady.

Serenata a la Virgen de Guadalupe
Celebrate the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe with us, when St. Juan Diego opened his cloak before the bishop, spilling fresh roses on the ground and revealing the portrait of Our Lady.

Musica Sacra: Lessons and Carols
Start Advent at Little Flower Basilica with Lessons and Carols presented by Musica Sacra San Antonio.
Entrance is Free, but donations are encouraged. December 8 @ 3pm

“Voices of Beauty: Celebrating Opera and Classical Music”
“Voices of Beauty: Celebrating Opera and Classical Music”: OPERA San Antonio and Classical Music Institute
Join us for this concert as we partner with OPERA San Antonio and Classical Music Institute to raise funds towards the repair of our Bell Tower System.

Timeless Reflections - Musical Shower of Roses 2024
Timeless Reflections: San Antonio Mastersingers Musical Shower of Roses 2024
Join us for this concert as we partner with San Antonio Mastersingers to raise funds towards the repair of our Bell Tower System.

“When the Violin Sings” San Antonio Chamber Choir
When the Violin Sings: San Antonio Chamber Choir
Join us for this concert as we partner with San Antonio Chamber Choir to raise funds towards the repair of our Bell Tower System.

Basilica Heritage Tour
Learn about the history of Little Flower Basilica and the lives of some of the Discalced Carmelite saints as depicted through the Stained Glass Collection of the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Little Flower. Starting at 1pm

San Antonio Chamber Choir
Eric Whitacre’s The Sacred Veil and other selected pieces.
May 5 @ 3pm | Doors open 2:30pm
General Admission: $30

San Antonio Youth Chorale
Enter Holy Week with the angelic song of Cantaremos, the San Antonio Youth Chorale CHamber Choir!

Council Rock North High School Symphonic Choir, Newtown, PA
Little Flower Basilica welcomes the Council Rock North High School Symphonic Choir! Join us for this free mini-concert after the 12pm Mass!

Basilica Heritage Tour
Learn about the history of Little Flower Basilica and the lives of some of the Discalced Carmelite saints as depicted through the Stained Glass Collection of the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Little Flower. Starting at 1pm

Musical Shower of Roses 2023
Join us at the Basilica for The San Antonio Mastersingers’ annual performance of the Shower of Roses concert.

Jésed Ministerio de Música
Join us for the music ministry of Jésed in honor of St. Thérèse!
February 18 at 7pm. Entrance by donation.

Wojtyla Night
The Little Flower young adult group, Quaerens Iesum, invites you to Wojtyla Night! Open-mic, poetry slam, and art show. Let's share the beauty and creativity of our amazing YA community!

Musica Sacra: Lessons and Carols
Start Advent at Little Flower Basilica with Lessons and Carols presented by Musica Sacra San Antonio.
Entrance is Free, but donations are encouraged. November 27 @ 3pm

Basilica Heritage Tour
Learn about the history of Little Flower Basilica and the lives of some of the Discalced Carmelite saints as depicted through the Stained Glass Collection of the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Little Flower. Starting at 1pm

Wojtyla Night
The Little Flower Theology of the Body group, Discalced Carmelite Friars, & Salesian Sisters are excited to invite you to the first WOJTYLA NIGHT - open-mic, poetry slam, and art show. Let's share the beauty and creativity of our amazing YA community on the Feast Day of John Paul II!

San Antonio Chamber Choir
SACC's (2022-2023) 18th Concert Season will begin with Our Deep, Deep Earth, featuring choral music that celebrates the gift of our earth. All music will celebrate having clean air, land, and water as well as the majesty of the Earth's resilience.
September 25 @ 3pm | General Admission: $30 | Senior/Military & Student discounts available at the door!

Basilica Heritage Tour
Learn about the history of Little Flower Basilica and the lives of some of the Discalced Carmelite saints as depicted through the Stained Glass Collection of the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Little Flower. Starting at 1pm

Basilica Heritage Tour
Learn about the history of Little Flower Basilica and the lives of some of the Discalced Carmelite saints as depicted through the Stained Glass Collection of the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Little Flower. Starting at 1pm

Musica Sacra: Rutter Requiem
Requiem by John Rutter presented by Musica Sacra San Antonio in memory of the group's founding director Dr. Robert M. Finster.
Free and open to the public. May 22 @ 3pm

Basilica Heritage Tour
Learn about the history of Little Flower Basilica and the lives of some of the Discalced Carmelite saints as depicted through the Stained Glass Collection of the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Little Flower. Starting at 1pm

Basilica Heritage Tour
Learn about the history of Little Flower Basilica and the lives of some of the Discalced Carmelite saints as depicted through the Stained Glass Collection of the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Little Flower. Starting at 1pm

400th Anniversary of the Canonization of St. Teresa of Jesus
Join us for a special 12pm Mass commemorating the canonization of our Holy Mother, St. Teresa!
Dedication of a new addition to the Basilica Art Collection after Mass in the Undercroft.

Basilica Heritage Tour
Learn about the history of Little Flower Basilica and the lives of some of the Discalced Carmelite saints as depicted through the Stained Glass Collection of the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Little Flower. Starting at 1pm

Musical Shower of Roses
Join us at the Basilica for The San Antonio Mastersingers’ annual performance of the Shower of Roses concert. Click here to purchase tickets!