Live Your Faith
Where prayer, beauty, and service intersect.
The Basilica of the National Shrine of the Little Flower shares the legacy of St. Thérèse of Lisieux and her “Little Way” centered on simplicity, humility, and love. With your support, this year’s annual appeal will allow us to deepen your relationship with God through meaningful spiritual formation.
Spirituality Programs
Our spirituality and faith formation programs now include Legion of St. Thérèse prayer groups, marriage preparation, spiritual and heritage tours of the Basilica.
A Place of Pilgrimage
In 2025 we are planning to integrate the Basilica into the Camino San Antonio package for pilgrims. The historic Basilica Bells will be refurbished, allowing them to again ring out across San Antonio, inviting the community and pilgrims to join us in San Antonio’s heart of Carmel.
An Oasis for Prayer and Contemplation
The St. Elias Adoration Chapel will soon be re-opened, safely and beautifully for our community. Parishioners and pilgrims alike will be safeguarded with increased safety features and programmatic improvements.
A Forward Looking Faith
Little Flower School integrates the spirituality of St. Thérèse throughout the curriculum educating and forming 90 students in the faith. Carmelite Young Adults offers young Catholics a place to make new friends and explore the Carmelite charism.