Restoration of San Antonio’s Basilica: Spring 2022

Greetings in our Lord Jesus Christ!

Thank you for your continued support of our Basilica Restoration Project. With your generous response to the 2021 Cornerstone of Giving appeal we have received well over $100,000 towards beginning the design phase. God bless you for your very charitable response.

In addition to our appeals, we continue to lay the groundwork for the restoration of our beloved basilica in a variety of ways. If you recall, the friars have solidified a master plan and envisioned a beautiful campus that will accentuate the
strengths of our historical Basilica and monastery.

Douglas Architects has since developed a “30% schematic design” which takes the vision of the master plan and shows how the plan will be realized engineering-wise. This has been passed on to construction companies who, with this design in their hands, have been able to calculate the costs of realizing our master plan.

Most recently we have produced an economic impact study in collaboration with Rise360, a Dallas-based consulting firm. Funded by a grant, this economic impact study will demonstrate to major investors that the presence of the Basilica and its community benefits our area not only spiritually, but also economically.

Please continue to pray that Our Lord bless our efforts of restoration. May he be pleased to grant fruitfulness to our efforts, that the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Little Flower continue to be a place where all may come to know and love him in the spirit of St. Thérèse.

Fr. Gregory Ross, OCD

Pastor and Rector


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