Restoration of San Antonio’s Basilica: Spring 2021

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The Discalced Carmelite Fathers of San Antonio, as pastors, rectors, and guardians of the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Little Flower, are entering the final phases of the Master Plan project that is underway for the restoration, renovation, and repairs needed to the Basilica complex. Over the past 20 years, several studies have identified key needs and initiatives in key areas:

  • Renovation, Improvements, and Expansion

  • Community and Economic Impact

Today, the Basilica is at a critical juncture due to needed improvements and capital. Project Control of Texas was selected to provide oversight and project management services to coordinate the efforts of historical architects/engineering design for the first phase of our project, as well as the Master Planning for all phases of the project.

On a parallel path to our own master planning for the Basilica, is the overall strategic planning efforts underway for the Westside community’s economic growth. We are pleased and encouraged that our Executive Director, Susana Cantu, and our Capital Campaign Consultant, Geoff Bley, have been invited to participate in the Steering Committee for the Westside Economic Growth Strategic Plan. As a historical and spiritual landmark, the preservation of the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Little Flower will also be crucial to the preservation of the heritage of the community she has served since 1926.

To learn more about the Restoration Project contact Susana Cantu:

You can help preserve Little Flower Basilica for another hundred years and know  future generations will experience the beauty of  Carmel.

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Love and Sacrifice


The Beauty of the Basilica