Restoration of San Antonio’s Basilica: Fall 2021

Praised be Jesus Christ! Since our last issue of the Apostolate of the Little Flower, our restoration plans have been proceeding apace, with several significant developments happening “behind the scenes.”

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In collaboration with Douglas Architects of San Antonio, the friars have solidified a master plan for our Basilica Campus. We have envisioned a beautiful campus that will accentuate the strengths of our historical Basilica and monastery. We hope the campus will both better serve our parishioners and provide pilgrims with an environment conducive to a spiritual encounter with God in the spirit of St. Thérèse.

Douglas Architects have taken this master plan and developed what is called a “thirty percent schematic design.” This schematic design takes the vision of the master plan and shows how the plan will be realized engineering-wise, through such means as drainage systems, waterproofing, structural reinforcement, updated electrical wiring, plumbing, landscaping, etc.

This schematic design has been passed on to construction companies who, with this design in their hands, are able to calculate the costs of realizing our master plan. Once these costs have been calculated, we will be able to set our goals for our capital campaign and launch our formal fundraising efforts.

We are grateful for your continued support, both material and spiritual, of our efforts to restore St. Thérèse’s beautiful Basilica and National Shrine. With your help, we pray that God will bring to fruition this work we have undertaken for his glory and for the good of his people, through the intercession of our beloved Little Flower, St. Thérèse.


Fr. Gregory Ross, OCD

Pastor and Rector

To learn more about the Restoration Project contact executive director, Susana Cantu:

You can help preserve Little Flower Basilica for another hundred years and know future generations will experience the beauty of  Carmel. Support the Restoration Project by clicking here.

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